Save the Date: July 1st Official Project Launch!
Well it’s been a long time since our last post—thank you for your patience as we delayed the start of our project due to Covid-19. We are excited to announce that we are ready to launch our project July 1st, 2021, and we are eagerly looking for volunteers to pick and submit moss samples for the project!
What does the Official Launch mean for volunteers? It means that we can finally accept your moss samples for analysis in our lab! Starting July 1st, the Reserve Your Turf (Step One) button will be enabled on our website, and you can reserve your sampling grid square. Spot Your Moss (Step Two) now has updated video links on the website to help volunteers correctly identify our two bryomonitoring species. When you are ready to Pick and Package (Step Three) you can order your free sampling kits through our website.
Please adhere to the current Covid-19 regulations in your province or territory as you head out to sample.